Admissions are open! Sign up and request an appointment.
Collaborate with Strate students for your business projects and hire your future interns.
A design school is as much a place of transmission and learning as it is a laboratory of innovation at the service of companies, whose bridgeheads are the designers of tomorrow.
This generation embodies new values, a different way of seeing the world from that of today's leaders. They are also the reflection of those who will be your customers tomorrow. By listening to them and putting them into action on an innovation project, you can get more ahead of your time.
Twenty or so 4th and 5th year students, supervised by a professional designer and divided into sub-groups, take on an exploratory and prospective project proposed by your company.
Depending on the problem and the company's schedule, different partnership formats are proposed, lasting from 14 weeks to one week. The deliverables are those of any design project: mapping of imaginary worlds, ecosystems and players, observation and analysis study, generation of creative concepts, usage scenario, visual and animated model (video, 3D). The company is closely involved in all the key phases of the project.
Because we want to train efficient and innovative professionals, the relationship with companies totally structures the school's educational project.
All of the professional internships that our students are required to complete are so many confrontations with the reality of companies.
Modeleurs (3 stages)
Designers (de 3 à 4 stages)
Are you looking for a designer? A physical or digital modeler? An innovative project manager? Are you interested in the profiles of students graduating from Strate School of Design?
Do not hesitate to send us your request by detailing it as well as possible via our Career Center, we will contact you as soon as possible to propose you corresponding profiles, or to guide you in your search.
What better way for a company to anticipate the world of tomorrow? By asking those who will make it to imagine it.
This is what the school offers with its industrial partnerships: about twenty students, supervised by a professional designer, work on a prospective study proposed by your company, according to different modalities and over different periods and types of students.
Les livrables sont ceux du design : maquettes, modèles 3D, vidéos, scénarios d’usages, mises en situation, planches, etc.
Un contrat de confidentialité est signée avec vous, et tous les droits vous sont cédés.
Suivant le sujet proposé, les dépenses de partenariat sont éligibles au crédit Impôt Recherche et Innovation.
Vous souhaitez confier un projet à la prochaine génération de designers, renseignez votre demande via notre formulaire, le service des partenariats vous recontactera pour un rendez-vous.
Are you looking for a designer? A physical or digital modeler? An innovative project manager? Are you interested in the profiles of Strate School of Design students?
Do not hesitate to send us your request, detailing it as well as possible, via our Career Center. We will contact you as soon as possible to propose corresponding profiles or to guide you in your search.